Planned Giving

Your planned gift to BC Marine Trails will help ensure access to the BC Coast for your children and grandchildren.

Leave a Legacy

Planned Giving refers to the act of leaving a charitable gift to an association like the BC Marine Trails, as a way to honour the donor’s life. It usually comes in the form of money, assets or property and may or may not be included in the person’s Will.

Vargas Island beach cleanup crew - BC coast

Support your Values

How you direct your financial legacy speaks a lot to the values you hold dear and the kind of life you’ve built through the years. The BC Marine Trails programs speak to our work as we build safe and contiguous trails for future generations on the BC coast..

Types of Planned Gifts

Benefits of Planned Giving

Legacy giving offers significant benefits to both the donor and the recipient. Here are a few:

Tax Relief
Depending on the type of asset, leaving a gift in your Will to B. C. Marine Trails Network Association can reduce estate taxes.

Your gift can be any amount. It’s up to you.

Peace of mind
You are giving to a good organization. You can always change your gift.

There are no additional out-of-pocket costs. Your current income will not be affected.

Note: You are encouraged to work with a financial expert. We are a small organization and do not have expertise in financial planning.

Impact of BC Marine Trails Programs

First Nations Engagement

Working Together
As we establish a marine trail network, respectful engagement is a way to give back in the process of reconciliation. We address current issues and provide consistent engagement, which enables dialogue. Information about marine trail sites is shared and respectfully discussed.

Protecting the Coast

Education, Cleanups
We value the incredibly diverse environment of the BC Coast and are committed to help protect and preserve it. Our initiatives include shoreline cleanups, invasive species removals, site maintenance and more. We established a marine Code of Conduct, which encourages recreationists to have minimal impact on the environment.

Safe and Contiguous Trails

Access to the Outdoors
Our Trails Development work enables recreationists to navigate the coast safely and respectfully. We do everything from site assessments and safety mandates to gaining social license over coastal access points. We also install things like tent platforms, food caches and composting toilets.

Steps to Smooth Planned Giving


  1. Talk to your family. Planned giving is personal.
  2. Speak to your professional advisors.
  3. Update your will. Decide if you want to leave a specific amount of your estate to the B.C. Marine Trails Network Association.
  4. Contact us or drop the president of the association an email ( We are all working together to provide access to the BC coast for paddlers and boaters.
We love the BCMT!