About Us
BC Marine Trails is a non-profit organization working together to help secure long term public access to the BC Coast.
Our mission is to work with First Nations and stakeholders to build, protect and promote a public network of marine trails allowing safe recreational navigation of the BC Coastline with minimal impact on the environment.
The BC Marine Trails work is guided by a three-pillar-approach:
Building safe and contiguous trails
First Nations Engagement
Protecting our Coast
Why do we do it?
At the core of everything we do is a shared love for our coast. The unparalleled scenery of the ocean and temperate rainforests of British Columbia give us a sense of identity. Traversing the shorelines under our own power, riding swell, pushing through fog and basking in sunlight is life-changing, as it envelops us in a deep sense of BC’s rich coastal beauty. Exploring the big, bold and beautiful coast makes us realize our insignificance and importance all at once. Visit our map to see the extent of the BC coastline.
As users of these lands and waters, we are accountable to protect and preserve sensitive ecosystems, wildlife and habitat by minimizing our environmental impact through education and stewardship. With rising pressure from industrial and other interests in coastal use, the need to secure public access increases. We also understand and recognize that we largely operate and recreate in unceded traditional territories of coastal First Nations. It is our responsibility to honour and acknowledge whose lands we are on and to gain social license.
We are all connected by a shared love for these wild places and together we can do our part in ensuring many more generations get to experience the abundance of our coast.